Fox rescued from railway line

A fox has been rescued from the side of a railway line just north of Eastbourne Railway Station. The fox, suffering from a head injury, was reported to station staff following a sighting of the poor creature lying at the side of the railway line.

Staff from Eastbourne Railway Station called out East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service (WRAS), who attended on site within 30 minutes.

Rescuers wearing safety tabbards and being guided by station staff, to ensure their own safety working on the railway line, had to walk from Eastbourne Station right up to Whitley Road Railway bridge to get to the fox.

"The fox was very poorly and we got within 6ft of the fox before we used a net to secure it and catch it." said Rescue Co-ordinator Trevor Weeks.

Helped by WRAS rescuers Tony Neads and Arron Banks, the fox was secured and carried back to Eastbourne Station where it was examined and found to have a head injury. The fox was taken to the WRAS casualty care centre at Horsebridge where it is being treated for its head injury and an infection.

"We would like to thank all the commuters for taking the time to let the station staff know about the fox and for the staff at Eastbourne Railways Station for contacting us so promptly. We hope the fox will make a complete recovery and will eventually be released back where he was found." said Trevor Weeks.

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Press Contact: Trevor Weeks, East Sussex WRAS, 07931 523958

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