Security Save Fox from Drowning

Collapsed, wet and cold, Karen was not sure the fox would survive.

East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service (WRAS) would like to praise the security staff at Sovereign Harbour who managed to save a fox from drowning in the middle of the night.

Harbour staff noticed the fox in the water around midnight and were able to grab the fox and get it out of the water and into their offices where they then started warming the fox up.

Out of hour on-call rescuer Karen Francis from East Sussex WRAS took the call and attended on site. "The staff were brilliant and very caring, they did everything right. The fox was clearly very cold and to be honest I didn't think it was going to survive" said Karen.

Karen took the fox back to WRAS's Casualty Centre at Whitesmith, where she finished drying off the fox and continued warming him up. After the fox was bedded down and treated, Karen left the centre hoping the fox would pull through and sleep off his experience.

"When I got to the centre this morning, I was amazed and really pleased to see the fox was up and about and looking so much more alert. If it had not been for the quick actions of the security staff this fox would have drowned, they saved his life" said Karen.

WRAS's Care Team and vets will reassess the fox today and after 24 hours observation is expected to be returned back to the foxes home range.

The fox recovers from his watery ordeal.
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