
The above interactive map will help you find your local wildlife rescue and show you the areas WRAS covers. Click on each area to see more information.

If you are in East Sussex WRAS's area (the green or orange areas above) please follow the following advice:

8am till 6pm : If you have a casualty and need urgent help please call 0300 10 26 999. If you need advice or non-urgent help please call 01825-873003.

6pm till 9pm: If you have a casualty or need urgent help please call 0300 10 26 999. During these hours we have to prioritise the calls we attend, which may mean some less urgent calls are deferred to the morning. If in doubt please ring. You can leave non-urgent messages on 01825-873003 but they may not get listened to till the morning.

Out of hours between 9pm and 8am: Please only call the rescue line 0300 10 26 999 if it is a genuine emergency which cannot wait till after 9am, as we have limited resources available.

East Sussex WRAS is not a large organisation and does not have a call-centre so please be patient. Leave a message if you get the answerphone, and we will call you back as soon as we are able to.

Other helpful contacts: The map above shows you where WRAS's Casualty Centre is located on the A22 between Hailsham and Uckfield. More details are available by clicking here.

There are also other useful contacts like The Badger Trust, Bat Hospital and Fox Project who can also help with advice and information. These additional contacts are independent of WRAS.

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