Pregnant Polegate Hedgehog Ultrasound

Rescuers rushed to a hedgehog in Brookside Avenue Polegate Saturday evening (27th May 2017) after a dog picked up a hedgehog in the garden.

The hedgehog was found to have a minor puncture wound on its forehead but taken back to WRAS's Casualty Care Centre for a better assessment. The hedgehog was checked over and found to be a female and pregnant.

"The hedgehog was quite large and rounded and weighed 1.1kg, I gently felt her stomach and felt that she could be pregnant. We then use our Ultrasound machine to check to see if she was pregnant which was soon confirmed" said Trevor, "this has to be one of the most advance pregnancies which we have ultrasound. You could make out individual limbs on the babies too."

The hedgehog was in good condition and the minor wound was treated but not serious enough to stop the hedgehog from being released.  The hedgehog was therefore returned back to the garden where found so she could given birth out in the wild.

"The finders, very kindly, are going to be careful at night letting their dog outside to ensure the hedgehog stays safe" said Trevor.

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