Duck Dumpers in Hot Water.

Lindsay and Kathy assess the duck.
Lindsay and Kathy assess the duck.

An animal charity is urging people not to dump unwanted domestic ducks and other animals into the wild, after rescuing a dumped Aylesbury duck at Piltdown Pond, near Uckfield.

East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service (WRAS) was called out to the duck about 11am on Monday 2nd March 2015 at Piltdown Pond, just off Shortbridge Road Piltdown, which turned out to be a domestic duck.  Rescuer Kathy Martyn managed to catch the bird quite easily on her own. “He didn’t put up much resistance and was clearly not well” said Kathy, who then delivered the duck to WRAS’s Casualty Care Centre at Whitesmith.

At the centre WRAS founder Trevor Weeks assessed the duck and was shocked by the poor condition of the bird. “The duck’s feather condition is terrible, with split, frayed and broken feathers, there was a wound to the back which is similar to what we see when dogs catch waterfowl, plus what looks like an infection  in both feet, as well as being underweight. The poor creature was very shocked and pale too. The duck clearly needs to be under veterinary treatment and is suffering.”

At WRAS’s Centre the bird was warmed up and given some food, before being transported to the Swan Sanctuary at Shepperton to be assessed by their vets and to start its life in a new home at their sanctuary.

The Aylesbury Duck at WRAS's Casualty Centre.
The Aylesbury Duck at WRAS's Casualty Centre.

“This duck is very lucky and will be given a new home” said Kathy, “this isn’t the first time we’ve been called out only to find we’re dealing with a domestic animal.  We do not have facilities to take in domestic animals and is was lucky that we were already doing a trip to the swan sanctuary to collect a swan, so we were able to take deliver him to them.”

“It is not uncommon for people to dump pets into the wild, thinking they can take their chances or have a good life, apart from it being illegal, it’s not fair on the animals which frequently end up suffering. Domestic animals are normally shut away at night or being kept in secure environment,  so not used to having to worry about predators; they are handed food in a bowl and fed by owners so they are not used to hunting or fighting for food; they often don’t have the natural immunity to disease and infections that their wild cousins have, and when they go downhill it ends up being a slow and distressing death. Other animals which are regularly dumped include terrapins, domestic rabbits, African Pygmy Hedgehogs and more” said Trevor.

“When taking on any animal it is a long term commitment and you shouldn’t take on a pet unless you can afford to look after it, feed it, pay vets bills, and keep it in a secure environment etc. I realise there are circumstances beyond people’s control but there are sanctuaries locally which can be approached” added Trevor.

WRAS is highlighting this case in order to try and discourage people from causing unnecessary suffering to animals, and in the hope that people will try to do the right thing in future.


Press Contacts:

Trevor Weeks – East Sussex WRAS – 01825-873003 or 07931-523958.

Photos taken by Trevor Weeks and copyright East Sussex WRAS.





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One thought on “Duck Dumpers in Hot Water.

  1. Rachel gillett

    Thanks for collecting the duck I rang up about. I went up the pond 3 times to try and find her but had no luck so I hoped that you had rescued her. Hope she's doing ok and finds a new home.. Thanks again,
    Rachel gillett


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