Hedgehog Caught in Plastic – Uckfield.

A hedgehog in Montacute Way, Uckfield, was rescued after being discovered with plastic tightly wrapped around its body. Tony Neads, a rescuer from East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service, promptly responded and transported the hedgehog to WRAS's Casualty Centre in Whitesmith. Upon arrival, the charity's veterinary surgeon immediately examined the hedgehog.

The hedgehog was assessed under anaesthetic. The plastic was very tightly wrapped round the body causing internal damage. A rear leg was also severely fractured with extensive tissue damage along with other wounds. There was infection and maggots present. “We are unsure of the exact source of the plastic, but it appears to be the type of transparent plastic used for packaging large quantities of dried pet foods. Thankfully, the individual who found the hedgehog contacted us. It's distressing to imagine how long this poor creatures would have endured suffering.” said Trevor Weeks MBE founder of East Sussex WRAS.

The hedgehog's severe injuries and critical condition left WRAS's veterinary surgeon with no option but to euthanize the hedgehog to prevent further suffering.

“This situation is disheartening as developments continue to expand in our county, leading to increased conflicts between wildlife and humans due to issues like litter, pollution, neglect, and persecution. Urgently, additional support is required at East Sussex WRAS to expand our capacity and assist more wildlife in need.” expressed Trevor Weeks.

If you can help support East Sussex WRAS please donate to their Summer Staff Appeal at https://wildlifeambulance.org/summer-staff-appeal/Reg Charity 1108880. Registered with the Fundraising Regulator.

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