Tag Archives: winter

Members of the public have called out a voluntary rescue service over 27 times believing a swan at the Pells Pond, Lewes, has been stuck in ice. Rescuers from East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service (WRAS) have sent ambulances out up to 3 times a day due to the level of concern which members of the public have had over the lone swan being stuck in ice. » Read more

The founder of an animal shelter near Lewes has been bedding down with more than 50 hedgehogs to ensure they get essential food and medication.

Trevor Weeks, founder of East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service (WRAS) has stayed on site whilst other volunteers struggle to make it through the heavy snow. After a bad weather spell, Trevor has been inundated with hedgehogs needing help. He currently has 53 hedgehogs, two wood pigeons, a badger, and a feral pigeon in care at the centre all which need regular cleaning, feeding and medication. » Read more