Trapped Fox Cub Rescued in Hailsham

Wildlife Rescue crews rushed to the aid of a fox cub with its head trapped down the side of a shed in Stroma Gardens in Hailsham this afternoon.

This rescue was even more urgent as the cubs head was above a Rot or Kick Board running along the fence by the shed, meaning the cub at times was struggling to breath properly each time it moved.

Rescuers were unsure how they were going to reach the cub as the gap between the shed and fence was so narrow. Keith Ring, Senior Rescuer, used a long pole with a rubber end to try and push the cub backwards where the gap became slightly wider but this proved difficult with the cub pointing in the wrong direction.

Trevor Weeks, WRAS Founder & Operations Director, then tried a circular crook on one of their rescue poles and managed to pull the cub backwards into a wider space.

"It was not easy and the cub was quite stressed. The cub kept choking when it attempted to move. I was concerned I might strangle the cub if I wasn't careful, but there was no easy way to get to the cub and it needed to get out of there quickly" explained Trevor.

Eventually Trevor was able to reach in and pull the cub to safety, but the cub was clearly in shock for his ordeal and started to collapsed. The cub was quickly stimulated and encouraged to keep breathing and soon stabilised again.

The fox cub was rushed back to WRAS's Casualty Centre where the Casualty Manager Karen Francis admitted the cub to the Monica Russell Orphan Rearing Unit which has recently doubled in size!

The cub has been treated, is being stabilised and now is in an incubator. Not out of the woods yet the cub will be closely monitored.

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