Author Archives: East Sussex WRAS

A section of golf course was closed today in order to keep a deer safe and allow it’s rescue to take place.

East Sussex National Golf Course had to temporarily close a section of the course after a golfer discovered a young fallow buck attached to a tree by rope.  Grounds staff reacted quickly, kept people away and called East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service. » Read more

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A fox has had to be put to sleep this afternoon after being rescued by East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service due to the severity of its injuries and the resulting infection caused by being shot in the head by an air rifle.

Rescuers were called down to Pinewood Close, Hampden Park this afternoon after receiving reports of a poorly collapsed fox with flies buzzing round it. When rescuers arrived, the fox was able to stand and attempted to flee but rescuers were able to easily catch the fox with nets. » Read more

East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service has sent a letter to various local authorities in the county as well as housing developers appealing for help and support as the number of casualties being dealt with increases.

Trevor Weeks MBE, founder and Operations Director for the charity believes that many councils and developers are so much better than they used to be in mitigating wildlife and environmental factors than they were when he first started rescue work back in the 1980s, but feels that the long term effects and the costs of dealing casualties caused as a result of these developments as wildlife is forced to adapt and live side by side with humans is ignored. » Read more

Yesterday rescuers were called out to a very challenging and dangerous deer rescue near High Hurstwood near Uckfield.

Mid morning East Sussex WRAS received reports that two Fallow Bucks were tied together by electric rope in a field. A emergency alert was put out to WRAS's rescuers asking for help, and a team of 6 rescuers were sent to the scene to help along with two veterinary ambulances. » Read more

Just over a week after having dealt with a fallow caught in electric fencing near Uckfield, rescuers have again been called out to a buck with its antlers attached to rope of an old rope swing, off Trolliloes Lane, Cowbeech near Hailsham.

Rescuers from East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service (WRAS) were called out just after 12noon today (Saturday 9th September 2023). One of WRAS's technical rescue veterinary ambulances attended along with a team of five rescuers. » Read more

A fallow buck with its antlers entangled in electric fencing has been successful rescued and released just outside of Uckfield this afternoon (1st September 2023).

A walker alerted a local resident at Palehouse Common of the situation, which was in a field between Palehouse Common and Framfield.  The local resident informed East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service (WRAS). “The precise location of the deer was rather unclear as the report was second hand, so I was sent to investigate further whilst a specialist deer rescue team was put on standby” said Trevor Weeks MBE Founder & Operations Director of East Sussex WRAS. » Read more

A resident in north Seaford contacted East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service (WRAS), after finding an adult and a young hedgehog on her patio in the daytime.

Rescuers Stuart MacQueen and Trevor Weeks attended on site to investigate the situation better. “As a general rule if a hedgehog is out during daylight, it is in trouble” said WRAS founder Trevor Weeks MBE. » Read more